Liste Art Fair Basel
Showtime: Yuko Mohri
Rewriting Our Imaginations: Lin Guan-Ming
11 - 20 September 2020
Online platfrom
VIP Preview 預展 11 - 13 September Open to Public 公眾開放 14 - 20 September |
Yuko Mohri
歡迎連線到國際藝博會Liste Art Fair Basel 平台「Showtime」(參與就在藝術空間的線上展廳!我們特別企劃了一支動態影片,將帶領觀眾從台北的舒適家居環境,穿越時空到東京銀座Ginza Sony Park的工業空間中,觀看動力機械藝術家毛利悠子近兩年聲響裝置的新詮釋以及指標性系列作品《Urban Mining Sea》、《Calls》等。
就在藝術空間是台灣第一個進入Liste Art Fair Basel的當代畫廊,我們很榮幸成為此國際平台的一份子。在今年新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情下,雖然實體展覽於8月忍痛取消,但是我們將在9月中與來自世界72家出色畫廊、及大會共同創造一個精彩線上空間,讓全球觀眾藉此發掘年輕當代藝術家的優秀作品,啟發新想法並透過全新線上體驗一起支持與欣賞當代藝術。 另外,我們邀請台灣錄像藝術家林冠名參與Liste Art Fair Basel發起的藝術家合作特別計畫「Rewriting Our Imaginations重寫我們的想像」。此計畫是大會應新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情而生的特別企劃,源自科幻小說家金·羅賓遜(Kim Robinson)在《紐約客》上發表的文章題為「冠狀病毒正在重寫我們的想像」,他描述了流行病實現了以前只有在我們的想像中存在的現實。 「Rewriting Our Imaginations重寫我們的想像」,由72家參展畫廊邀請藝術家將他們的創作轉換成獨特海報設計。所有海報將於在巴塞爾市區中展出,也於9月2日到15日展示在Liste網站(,並開放讓大眾於網站上購買。針對這個主題,林冠名透過他的創作《True Blue》呈現人類面對不斷變化的環境,當下的細微感受與時間的痕跡。 Project Fulfill Art Space is pleased to announce our participation in the Liste Art Fair Basel online platform Showtime ( presenting a selection of Yuko Mohri’s recent installation artworks captured through new photography and video taking viewers from a cozy home setting in Taipei to the raw industrial workspace at Ginza Sony Park, Tokyo. We will showcase Mohri’s new presentation of her sound installation, as well as her iconic ongoing series Urban Mining Sea and Calls. Project Fulfill Art Space is the first gallery from Taiwan invited to participate in Liste Art Fair Basel, and under this extraordinary time of the world-wide COVID-19 pandemic and the difficult announcement in August to cancel the physical fair, we are honored to be a part of an international community of 72 galleries, committed to creating a space where audiences around the world can discover young contemporary art, be inspired by new ideas and support the arts through a new online experience. Project Fulfill Art Space also presents Lin Guan-Ming as part of the Liste international collaborative project Rewriting Our Imaginations, where artists selected by 72 international galleries each create a poster design responding to the current coronavirus pandemic under the theme ‘Rewriting Our Imaginations’. Taken from science fiction author Kim Robinson’s published essay in The New Yorker entitled “The Coronavirus is Rewriting Our Imaginations”, he describes how the pandemic has made real what was previously only our imaginations. The posters will be exhibited online and in Basel between 2 – 15 September, and are available for purchase on the Liste Showtime new online shop ( Lin Guan-Ming’s work True Blue reflects the subtle details and the traces of each moment in time, when humans are faced with the ever-changing natural environment. |
Lin Guan-Ming
True Blue 創作理念
自然景象每日不停地重複發生,人類運用創造力展現自然的無限可能的某一微小部分,雖自然無限,人類生命有限,但藝術就是如自然一般,被世世代代的人類(藝術家)不停地展示其變化的無限。林冠名的海報設計採用他2016年的錄像作品《True Blue》的影像截圖,重構天空無限的藍,將圖像排列顯示藍色的漸變,呼應了不斷在變化的自然環境中的一瞬間,影像中天空的藍又很像螢幕沒畫面的藍,反思文明與自然有時是互為對立,但有時又契合的感覺。 True Blue poster concept Humans use creativity to capture a small fraction of the infinite possibilities of nature that occur continuously every day. In a world where nature is limitless and human life is finite, art just like nature, reflects the limitless change through each generation of artists. Lin Guan-Ming’s poster design takes still images from his 2016 video work True Blue, recomposing images of the sky and its infinite shades of blue, reflecting a fraction of time within the expanse of an ever-changing natural environment. The shade of blue is also similar to the default color of an empty digital screen, suggesting that although nature and civilization are at times in opposition with each other, sometimes they are also in harmony. |