Noise is the New Silence
Wang Fujui Solo Exhibition
《噪音寂靜》王福瑞 個展
2019年底,王福瑞因病送急診,而後併發急性末期腎臟病,需要長期洗腎,藝術家開完「血路通管手術」(在手臂將動脈和靜脈連接在一起)後,在病床靜靜的聽到像是風吹的噪音,在黑暗裡一陣找尋,發現聲音來自開完刀手臂上的傷口,電流感血液流動的低頻咻咻聲,有如流動身體的噪音。身體體內的噪音將作為王福瑞這次主要的創作素材,共展出四件聲音裝置作品。 王福瑞不論是創作或表演中,甚至躺在病床上,都能夠感受到各種聲音能量的直覺與敏感度,來自於他在1995年到1997年之間在美國舊金山就學期間,這也是藝術家聲音創作啓蒙和開始聲音實驗創作的階段。這段時間他經驗了人生最大音量,以及最長時間的實驗噪音音樂表演的轟炸,在充滿噪音的空間,神經被高度的刺激占滿,身體呈現一個遲頓狀態,在狂野圍繞下的一個空頓狀態。這經歷牢牢的綁在他的身體裡,直覺反應在往後創作和表演中。 另外,在藝術家健康穩定恢復下,我們很高興能夠舉辦王福瑞今年唯一的一場「寂靜噪音」表演,運用無線網路與電腦即時性控制《噪音寂靜》6個聲音裝置,每一個裝置有12個聲音頻道,可以現場即時控制共72個聲音頻道,與場域和觀眾聆聽做一個互動性的連結。表演將於11月21日舉辦,需購票入場,數量有限。購票方式請洽就在藝術空間。 Project Fulfill Art Space is pleased to present Wang Fujui’s solo exhibition Noise is the New Silence opening in October 2020. This is our fourth collaboration with the highly recognized sound artist, and his third solo exhibition presented at Project Fulfill. Throughout his career Wang Fujui never ceases to push the boundaries of sound art, while remaining true to his signature style – a purist, fine-tuned understanding of sound, using minimal visual distractions. This exhibition sets to be the artist’s most personal exploration of sound, drawing on his recent journey recovering from kidney disease and recollection of his early experience of sound performance in the 90s, which formed the basis of his body’s intuitive response to sound. At the end of 2019, Wang Fujui suddenly fell ill and was admitted into the hospital emergency ward. He was diagnosed with acute late stage kidney disease and required regular kidney dialysis. After undergoing vascular access surgery (connecting the veins and arteries in the arm), while recuperating in the hospital bed, Wang could hear the quiet sound of wind blowing. Searching for the source of this sound in the dark, he discovered that it came from the wound on his arm after the operation. The low frequency buzzing sound of the blood flow is like a current of noise flowing within his body. Wang used the body’s internal noises as the source for his recent developments, presenting four new sound installations for this exhibition. Whether creating his artworks or performing live, even when lying in a hospital bed unable to move his body, Wang Fujui is able to sensitively observe and respond to different sound frequencies. This intuition can trace its beginnings to a time of enlightenment for Wang’s sound creation and experimentation; between 1995 and 1997 while studying in San Francisco, he experienced a bombardment of the loudest and longest experimental sound performances; “I remember when I was listening to a sound performance, in a space full of turbulent noise my nerves were filled with stimulation, while my body was dulled in a state of idleness surrounded by wild chaos.” This experience became firmly rooted in Wang’s creative core and can be seen reflected intuitively in his later artworks and performances. With the artist’s recovery and current stable health condition, we excited to be able to present Wang Fujui’s only performance this year, Noise Live, through wireless technology and computer programming, the artist is able to control the speaker units of the installation Noise is the New Silence independently in a live setting. The installation’s six units each consists of twelve channels, totaling 72 channels controlled live by the artist, engaging and responding to the audience and space. The performance will be held on Saturday 21 November, limited tickets available for purchase from Project Fulfill Art Space. |
Artist Information
> 王福瑞 Wang Fujui > 作品介紹 Artwork Introduction > Art Press 專訪 Video > 藝術家Q&A > 「寂靜噪音」表演紀錄短片 'Noise Live' performance highlights Press > 2020/11 Interview〈台灣實驗噪音音樂至今依舊冷門嗎?集90年代聲音表演回憶,藝術家王福瑞呈現個展《噪音寂靜》暨演出〉 > 2020/12 Interview〈實驗、噪音音樂該怎麼聽?不存在「播放清單」,只有對你來說迷人的聲音和細節:專訪聲音藝術家王福瑞〉 > 2020/12 Article〈在聲音藝術表演裡,能聽見什麼?關於日前藝術家王福瑞的久違演出,4個來自藝術界的真實感受〉 |