Obliteration: An Exhibition of Ou Jing-Yun, Peng Yu-Tzu and Chen Jun-Yu
Artist Introduction
歐靜雲 OU Jing-Yun
歐靜雲,1991年生於台灣宜蘭,畢業於國立臺北藝術大學美術學系主修繪畫,先後取得藝術學士和藝術碩士學位。目前居住創作於台灣台北。過去的創作主題多所觸及集體意識在歷史情結與神話寓言之間的感性糾結,他透過自然環境、生活場景以及歷史現場矯飾地構築出一式開放的敘事圖譜,以繪畫視窗造就滿是激情的感官邀請,在色料與造型的殘跡中將現實不斷地從瑰麗的夢幻中翻攪而出,讓幻變的主體、空間在形與意的裂隙中獲得精神的逃逸。歷年發表個展:「沙午烈火」非常廟藝文空間,台北(2020)、「譫妄絮語」福利社,台北(2016)、「憂鬱亞熱帶」靜慮藝術,台北(2014)。近期參與重要聯展於「2019台北美術獎」臺北市立美術館,台北(2019)、「森人I&II-太魯閣藝駐計畫」國立臺灣美術館,台中(2018)、「指物」關渡美術館,台北(2016)、「Voice of Asia」福岡亞洲美術館,福岡(2016)、「變異錄」觀想藝術,台北(2015)等。歐靜雲作品被多家重要機構收藏,包括雪梨白兔美術館、香港驕陽基金會、台北關渡美術館、台北龍顏基金會、文化部藝術銀行以及私人收藏等。並榮獲2020 ONE ART Taipei藝術台北新賞獎。 Ou Jing-Yun was born in 1991 in Yilan, Taiwan, he obtained his BFA and MFA from the National Taipei University of the Arts, Department of Fine Arts, and currently lives in and works in Taipei, Taiwan. Selected previous solo exhibitions include: Flames of Illusion, VT Artsalon, Taipei, Taiwan (2020); The Whisper by Delirium, Free Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan (2016); Tristes Subtropical, Jing-Lu Art, Taipei, Taiwan (2014); selected group exhibitions include: Taipei Art Award, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan (2019); Tree Tree Tree Person I&II- Taroko Arts Residency Project, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan (2018); Indexing Outstanding Art Prize Exhibition, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts , Taipei, Taiwan (2016); Voice of Asia, Fukuoka Asian Art Museum , Fukuoka , Japan (2016); The Metamorphosis, Guan-Xiang Art gallery, Taipei, Taiwan (2015). His works have been collected by White Rabbit Gallery, Sydney, Australia; Sunpride Foundation, Hong Kong; Kaundu Museum of Arts, Taipei, Taiwan, Long-Yang Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan; Art Bank Taiwan, Ministry of Culture and private collections. Ou was awarded the 2020 ONE ART AWARD, Taipei, Taiwan. |
歐靜雲 Ou Jing-Yun 《風景畫的盡頭是一座虛構的荒原-岩苔》2020, 油彩、畫布 oil on canvas, 90×110cm
彭禹慈 PENG Yu-Tzu
彭禹慈,1996生於台灣台中,2018年取得國立臺灣藝術大學美術系藝術學士學位。目前就讀於國立臺北藝術⼤學美術學系碩士班主修繪畫。她將繪畫作為一處視覺空間與精神思維的媒合地帶,作品專注於創作過程中的精神心理探索,以及對與現實的反向進行造型蒐集。作品之中藉由碎形線條的積層,隱現出完形整體與尺度之間豐富的信息想像,在多所留白之處凸顯負向空間的隱性張力,並在混沌的筆觸中架構出潛意識與繪畫語言的滲透融合。近年參與展出:「肆個展」台灣美術院藝術空間,台北(2019)、「⼈造關係」美麗永安⽣活會館,新北(2018)、「展覽⼀下」九單藝術實踐空間,新北(2017)、「21g」龍⼭寺板橋⽂化廣場,新北(2016)、「Absent不在場攝影聯展」⼤觀藝廊,新北(2016)、「微型計畫-藝術家的⼯具箱」⼠林公民會館,台北(2015)。 Peng Yu-Tzu was born in 1996 in Taichung, Taiwan, and obtained her BFA from the National Taiwan University of Arts in 2018, currently pursuing an MFA from the National Taipei University of the Arts. Selected previous exhibitions include: Unbridled solo Exhibition, Taiwan Academy of Fine Arts Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan (2019); Artificial Relationship, Yongan Living Arts Center, Taipei, Taiwan (2018); Exhibition it, Nine-Rooms Art Practice Space, Taipei, Taiwan (2017); 21g,Longshan Banqiao Cultural Square, Taipei, Taiwan (2016); Absent Photography Group Exhibition, Grand Vista Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan (2016); Mini-Plan-Artist’s Toolbox, Shilin Public Assembly Hall, Taipei, Taiwan (2015). |
彭禹慈 Peng Yu-Tzu 《調性》Modular, 2019, 油彩、畫布 oil on canvas, 91×116.5cm
陳俊宇 CHEN Jun-Yu
陳俊宇,1997生於台灣台中,2018年取得國立臺灣藝術大學美術系藝術學士學位。目前就讀於國立臺北藝術⼤學美術學系碩士班主修複合媒體。主要創作以現場行為和錄像藝術為主。他以個人身體作為與環境社會激撞、遇合的現場,並將身體作為認知權力延伸的有機載具,轉化成多項視覺隱喻的行為表演,在軟性、緩速的精神與身體耗弱下,試圖在急劇的當代視覺刺激中激起感性身體存續的意義與提問。歷年作品曾獲2019藝術自由日優選、2018 Bluerider Open台灣青年藝術家發光計畫徵件入圍、2018松菸文創園區LAB創意實驗室入圍。近年參與展出:「藝術自由日-愛的神話」松山文創園區,台北(2019)、「複數形態2」國立臺北藝術大學南北畫廊,台北(2019)、「複數形態1」,國立臺灣藝術大學北側聚落,新北(2019)、「投下」台北國際藝術村,台北(2019)、「Under the Bridge」,板橋65快速道路橋下,新北(2018),「Bluerider Open 2018台灣青年藝術家發光計畫徵件展」松菸三號倉庫,台北(2018)、「GAME BOYS」荒原藝術,新北(2017)。 Chen Jun-Yu was born in 1997 in Taichung, Taiwan, and obtained his BFA from the National Taiwan University of Arts in 2018, he is currently pursuing an MFA at the National Taipei University of the Arts. He was awarded with Honorable Mention for the 2019 Art Freedom Day-Myth of Love Award and was a finalist in the 2018 Bluerider OPEN Taiwan Young Artists Luminous Project Contest, as well as the 2018 Songyan Cultural and Creative Park LAB Creative Lab. Selected previous exhibitions include: Art Freedom Day-Myth of Love, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan (2019); Plural Form 02, National Taipei University of the Arts-North and South Gallery, Tamsui, Taiwan (2019); Head Down, Taipei Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan (2019); Under the Bridge, Banqiao 65 Expressway Bridge, Banqiao, Taiwan (2018); Bluerider Open 2018 Taiwan Young Artists Luminous Project Contest, No. 3 Songyan Warehouse, Taipei, Taiwan (2018); Game Boys, Wasteland Art, Itabashi, Taiwan (2017). > 藝術家簡歷 Artist CV |
陳俊宇 Chen Jun-Yu, _USED TO, 2020, 行為,身體、維納斯象牙紙 performance, physical body, Venus wove ivory paper, 尺寸不定 dimensions variable