An Exhibition of Ou Jing-Yun, Peng Yu-Tzu and Chen Jun-Yu
帶我去一個地方 Take Us On A Journey
For the exhibition ‘Obliteration’ we asked artists Ou Jing-Yun, Peng Yu-Tzu and Chen Jun-Yu to ‘take us on a journey’ into their inspiration and creative practice.
For the exhibition ‘Obliteration’ we asked artists Ou Jing-Yun, Peng Yu-Tzu and Chen Jun-Yu to ‘take us on a journey’ into their inspiration and creative practice.
歐靜雲 Ou Jing-Yun
「我把海的風景照片混在一起,是淡水與沖繩各處的海景。回憶到一個哪裡的海濱旅遊,彷彿遙遠的海岸風景旁筆直的公路也能跟淡水生活日常的路逕確實地連接著。即便是因為長途的移動,或是地域性文化、光線、溫度等等產生陌生的感受都好,也許在感知的建構中才能真正的行動到某一個地方去。 繪畫是一種幻覺的製造,而在虛構做為條件的圖像生產中描繪未曾見過的風景輪廓或許只能成為一種想像途徑,在上述的兩地裡那些被記錄下來的影像相似性感受而帶來的落差,就如同我在繪畫裡建構的各種物件符號對比下的空缺。 那個海濱旁,有人說、那裡有馬場,也有人說,那是騎著馬的海巡警察⋯⋯各式各樣的故事與說法,構圖了一幅通往現實的地圖,框裡已經確實地有了個地方了。」 "I mixed seascapes of Tamsui and Okinawa together... perhaps it is this long-distance migration, or the unfamiliar feelings from a change in local culture, the light and temperature, that we are truly able to shift the way we construct our perception to another place. Painting is a form of illusion-creation; with fiction as the underlying condition of image production, to depict the outline of a landscape from recollection can only be one approach of the imagination. The incongruous gaps caused by the similarity of the two places in the images, are like the vacuum created between the various contrasting objects and symbols in my paintings." |
彭禹慈 Peng Yu-Tzu
「想帶觀眾去我心中概念的起源,思維上初始的跳耀,試圖利用影像來探問圖像之間隱微的聯繫,我將我感興趣的元素,像是海浪的波紋、歷史上建築的型構、風引起的邊緣、甚至是另一種視角上的觀看距離等等,將他們攤開來又分開重組,又惦量圖像,來製造『裂縫』,來顛覆畫面中原有的秩序,像是意識當中的衝突與交雜,是被移置的謎。」 “I want to take the viewer to the origin of my concepts, that initial leap of thought, using moving image to explore the subtle connections between imagery. I collected different elements that interest me, such as the ripples of waves, the shape of historical buildings, the contours caused by the wind, or the distance created from a different viewing perspective. Through re-composition and contemplation, the original order of images is subverted creating ‘fractures’, like a mystery that has been displaced, conflicting and intermingling in the consciousness.” |
陳俊宇 Chen Jun-Yu
「這次的影像-『帶我去一個地方』會讓我直接聯想到平常出門查google map或google地點這件事,於是我透過搜尋尋找帶我去一個地方,不過卻找到了一首歌。那個與本意不相關的結果,就跟我自己的創作一樣,我其實並非每次都很有把握完成每一件作品,而正是那個不可預期性,打開了我每次創作的動力。在那個無法看見結果的後面,有一個縫隙。或許那就是我跟觀眾們可以溝通的共同橋樑。」 “The theme “Take Us On A Journey” reminds me of checking google maps or google locations when I need to go somewhere. So I tried using a search engine to “take me on a journey”, but instead I found a song. This unexpected result unrelated to my original intention is a lot like my creative practice. I am never 100 percent sure I can complete an artwork each time, but it is also this unpredictability that motivates my work. Behind the unforeseeable result, there is a gap that allows dialogue, forming bridges between myself and the audience.” |